Just a quick update! The blog hasn't been active lately as I'm focused on developing a new direction entirely, but nonetheless, I'm surprised and happy to share that I've been selected as one of Feedspot's Best 15 Philippines Male Bloggers for 2018 alongside far more famous names such as Esquire Philippines and The Fat Kid Inside.
I appreciate the selection, knowing that my post frequency and traffic don't compare with most of them, and so I'm happy to say I will be posting regularly again soon as I pursue a new project that will integrate most of my interests, particularly travel, film, and art, and be a source of regular, interesting content that I hope you and a wider audience will love.
Stunning vistas hiking down to Canyon Matka in Macedonia (FYROM)
Currently, I'm on an artist residency in Skopje, Macedonia working with Polish artist Agnieszka Rowińska, on a number of new long-term projects, including a book and the project I mentioned above. I started working with Agnieszka last year on my first artist residency in Iceland and even won the Creative Filmmaking Award from the 2017 Syrp Everyday Humans Short Film Competition on our very first collaboration (unfortunately at the time of posting our video hasn't been posted yet).
We're working everyday and are excited to share what we're working on with everybody. Until then, thanks for checking, and I'll be back soon.